Kamis, 25 Juni 2009

Lucas Aaron Benward/Luke Benward (born May 12, 1995) is an American actor & singer. He is best known for his starring role as Billy in How To Eat Fried Worms and as Charlie Tuttle in the 2oo8 DCOM, Minutemen. He has also played a main role in Mostly Ghostly : Who Let The Ghosts Out. At the age 7, he appeared in Martina McBride's music video Concrete Angel.

Early life

Luke Benward was born to Aaron Benwrad and Kenda Benward in Franklin, Tennessee. His father is in the country Duo Blue Country, his mother is a part-time actresse, model, and acting coach, and his grandfather is Contemporary Christian artist Jeoffrey Benward. He has two younger sisters as well, Gracie and Ella. Luke Benward currently resides in Franklin, TN


Luke Benward plays the little boy who helps the abused girl in the music video "Concrete Angel" by Martina McBride.

Benward first appeared in a movie called We Were Soldiers, as David Moore in 2002. His success grew in 2006, when he was 11. He played the main role as Billy in the film How To Eat Fried Worms.

Luke enjoys playing football (Wide Receiver 8th grade year) his guitar, video games, and breakdancing.

Benward has stated his faith as Catholic. He played the disciple Mark on the Word of Promise Next Generation New Testament dramatic audio bible for teens. He also performed in the "iShine" tour With the rubyz and paige armstrong in 2008, Friend With Country Singer Karanina Subido.

lov him so :-*

Senin, 08 Juni 2009



I'd never gone with the wind
Just let it flow
Let it take me where I want to go to
You open the door
Theres so much more
I've never seen it before
Always tryin to fly
But i couldnt find wings
But you came along and you changed everything

You lift my feet off the ground
You spin me around
You make me crazier, craizer
Feels like im fallin'and I
Am lost in your eyes
You make me crazier, crazier, crazier

I've watched from a distance as you
Made up your room?
Every sky was your own kind of blue
And I wanted to know how that would feel
And you made it so real
You showed me something that I couldn't see
You opened my eyes
And you made me believe

You lift my feet off the ground
You spin me around
You make me crazier, craizer
Feels like im fallin' and I
Am lost in your eyes
You make me crazier, crazier, crazier Ohh

Baby you showed me what livin'is for
I don't wanna hide anymore
Ohh ohh

You lift my feet off the ground
You spin me around
You make me crazier, craizer
Feels like im fallin' and I
Am lost in your eyes
You make me crazier, crazier, crazier
Crazier, crazier, crazier

Rabu, 03 Juni 2009

alay kah km ?

ciri-ciri alay tuh :
1. selalu ngerasa paling tau tentang musik.
2. tongkrongannya di pinggir pinggir jalan (yang cewek godain cowok,yang cowok godain cewe yang lagi lewat)
3. kalo di mall selalu bawa handshet buat dengerin lagu lewat handphone(suka pamer ga jelas & sok asik gitu deh).
4. sok EMO tapi ditanya sejarahnya emo ga tau.
5. sok pengen ‘gaul’ mau ngikutin tren yang sekarang tapi terlalu LEBAY (cth: nge-mix baju ga kira kira ; baju ijo,celana kotak kotak,sepatu merah,kacamata biru! NORAK !)
6. dimana mana SELALU ada acara yg namanya ‘putu putu narziz’ (entah itu di sekolah,WC,mobil,kamar,stasiun ,angkot,dll).
7. fotonya ga nahan smua! (dengan gaya di imut imutin,dideketin lampu biar ‘terang bgt’,foto deket bgt dari wajah *biar jeleknya ga keliatan*,foto dari atas *biar kelihatan keren kali ya*,dll..pokoknya yang bisa bikin ENEG semua orang)(kamera VGA aj sok sokan)
8. buat cewek tiap hari kerjaannya ngomongin ttg cowooooooooo mulu! (cth: eh tau ga si A tadi gini loh sama gue hahaha lucu bgt ya? *ga lucu!)(yah pokoknya sok pamer gitu deh*berasa cantik)
9. buat cowok..tiap hari kerjaannya cari musuh(ribut) mulu sama temen temen cowoknya yg lain *biar dianggep keren gituw*
10. di friendster.. bagi yang cewek di ff nya majang cowok cowok ganteng semua *meski ga kenal,biar dianggep cantik & gaull* kalo yg cowok ya majang ffnya cewek semua*walau ga kenal* biar dikata cowok ganteng. IH JIJAY!
11. T U L I S A N
> - iya : ia
> - kamu: kamuh,kammo,kamoh,kamuwh,kamyu,qamu,etc
> - aku : akyu,aq,akko,akkoh,aquwh,etc
> - maaf: mu’uph,muphs,maav,etc
> - sorry: cowyie,cory,tory(?),etc
> - add : ett,etths,aad,edd,etc
> - for : vo,fur(zz),pols,etc
> - lagi : agi,agy
> - makan: mums,mu’umhs,etc
> - lucu : ludchu,lutchuw,uchul,luthu,etc
> - siapa: cppa,cp,ciuppu,siappva,etc
> - apa : uppu,apva,aps,etc
> - narsis: narciezt,narciest,etc
> &&& masih bnyak lagi!
12. suka ngirim bulbo ga jelas di fs :”akko onlenndh dcnniih” ato “ayokk perang cummendh cmma saiia” etc (paling parah lagi kalo ngirim bulbo dengan judul “BAJINGAN” tapi isinya kosong!) ih kampret bner deh tu orang orang alay.
13. menganggap dirinya eksis di friendster (kalo comments banyak itu berarti anak gaul jadi lomba banyak-banyakan comment) *please deh ga bgt! emang kenapa coba kalo commentnya banyak?dapet rekor muri ya? ga penting bgt deh..
14. kalo ada org yg cuman view profil kita , kita bilang gini : “hey cuman view nih?” ato “heey jgn cuman view doang,add dong! *pengecualian x) (kalo emang segitu pentingnya orang nge-ADD buat kita..kenapa kita ga nge-ADD dia waktu kita mau ngasih testi?)-__-
15. friendster dipenuhi glitter-glitter norak yang pastinya bisa ngerusak retina mata zz
16. nama friendster mengagung -agungkan diri sendiri,seperti : pRinceSs cuTez,sHa luccU,tIkka cAntieqq,etc. (pede bgt sih?)
17. kata /singkatan selalu diakhiri huruf z/s (cth : nama adalah talitra,dbuat jadi : talz. nama adalah niken,dibuat jadi qens..dsb!)
18. foto di friendster bisa nyampe 300 lebih padahal cuman foto DIRINYA SENDIRI
19. diam diam mengidolakan : kangen band,st12,radja,ato bahkan GARNET BAND -_-
20. suka menghina orang lain yang ga sama kaya dia.

LO alay? ato BUKAN?
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